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This is a listing of class reading assignments and other information. Most assignments are taken from the course texts:
- (SIP) A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy, Sarvepalli Radakrishnan, Charles Moore
- (BPER) Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings, William Edelglass, Jay Garfield
- (RCCP) Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy, Philip J. Ivanhoe and Bryan W. Van Norden
Month | Day | Topic | Pages/Source |
March | 29 | General Introduction | |
31 | The Vedas and Upanishads | SIP, 3-36, 42-50, 57-62, 77-89, 93-96 | |
April | 5 | The Bhagavad-gita | SIP, 102-131 |
7 | The Mahabharata, The Laws of Manu | SIP, 164-192 | |
12 | Nyaya | SIP, 356-368, 379-385 | |
14 | Vedanta | SIP, 509-531, 536-538 | |
19 | Carvaka | SIP, 228-236, 247-249 | |
21 | Basic Principles of Buddhism | SIP, 274-288 | |
26 | Theravada Buddhism | BPER, 13-25, 175-185 | |
28 | Madhayamaka Buddhism | BPER, 26-34, 224-237 | |
May | 3 | Madhayamaka Buddhism | BPER, 26-34, 224-237 | 5 | Pudgalavada and Yogacara | BPER, 275-296 |
10 | Zen Buddhism | BPER, 149-158, 251-259 | |
12 | Kongzi | RCCP 3-54 | |
17 | Mozi | RCCP 61-111 | |
19 | Mengzi | RCCP 117-157 | |
24 | Zhuangzi | RCCP 208-231 | |
26 | Laozi | RCCP 163-203 | |
31 | Xunzi | RCCP 256-285 | |
June | 2 | Other Asian Philosophies | No Assignment |
4 | FINAL EXAMINATION | 8:00-10:00 A.M. |