Søren Kierkegaard
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This is the material covered in each class. Instruction will begin Fall Quarter, 2013.
- September 30: Introductory Remarks
- October 2: Kantian Philosophy and Fichte
- October 7: Schopenhauer, through “The Basic Argument for Idealism”
- October 9: Schopenhauer, from “Schopenhauer’s Idealism” through “Motives, ” plus “The Roles of Will and Intellect in Action” and “The Inclinations of the Will”
- October 14: Schopenhauer, from “Virtue and Dogma” through “Nothingness.” Hegel, through “Transcendental Idealism”
- October 16: Hegel, from “The Content of Logic” through “The Emergence of Spirit”
- October 21: Hegel, from “Acknowledgement” through “The Individual and the State”
- October 23: Hegel, from “Modern Errors Concerning the State” through “The National Spirit.” Marx, through “Naturalism”
- October 28: Marx, from “Hegel’s Transformations through “The Fruits of Labor”
- October 30: Marx, from “The Alienation of Labor” through “How to Bring About the Revolution”
- November 4: Kierkegaard, from “Philosophical Fragments ” through “Factual Being and Ideal Being”
- November 6: Kierkegaard, from “The Works of God” through “Truth and the Relation to the Object”
- November 13: Kierkegaard, from “‘The Dialectical Difficulty’ through “Dread and Faith”
- November 18: Nietzsche, through “What ‘Knowledge” Really Is”
- November 20: Nietzsche, from “Twilight of the Idols” through “Origin of ‘Good” and ‘Bad””
- November 25: Nietzsche, from “Goodness and Utility” through “Untruth as a Condition of Life”
- November 27: Nietzsche, from “Prejudices of Philosophers” through “The Triumph of Psychology”
- December 2: Dostoyevski, through “One Must Endure Humans to Embrace Humanity”
- December 4: Dostoyevski, through “The Grand Inquisitor”