Philosophy 157

Twentieth Century European Philosophy


Virtual Slide Presentations

Introductory Remarks [ pdf | ppt ]
Precursors of Continental Philosophy [.ppt file]
Husserl I: The Realm of Ideas [.ppt file]
Husserl III: Phenomenology as Transcendental Philosophy [.ppt file]
Husserl IV: The Structure of Intentionality [.ppt file]
Husserl VI: From Subjectivity to Intersubjectivity [.ppt file]
Husserl XI.20: The Mathematization of Nature [.ppt file]
Husserl XI.21: Elements of a Science of the Life-World [.ppt file]
Heidegger I.1: Introduction to Being and Time, Chapter One [.ppt file]
Heidegger I.2: Introduction to Being and Time, Chapter Two [.ppt file]
Introduction to Being and Time (outline form) [.pdf]
Brief Outline of Being and Time [.pdf file]
Heidegger II: "What is Metaphysics?" [.ppt file]
Heidegger III: "The Essence of Truth" [.ppt file]
Heidegger VII: "The Question of Technology" [.ppt file]
Sartre III: The Emotions: Outline of a Theory [.ppt file]
Sartre II: The Problem of Nothingness [.ppt file | .pdf file]
Sartre II: Bad Faith [.ppt file | .pdf file]
Sartre I: Freedom and Responsibility, The Desire to be God [ .ppt file | .pdf file]
Foucault: "What is Enlightenment?" [.ppt file]
Foucault: "Truth and Power" [.ppt file]
Foucault: "The Body of the Condemned" [.ppt file]
Foucault: "Right of Death, Power Over Life" [.ppt file]
Foucault: "From the Classical Self to the Modern Subject" [.ppt file]
Foucault: "Politics and Ethics" [.ppt file]
Foucault: "Polemics, Politics, and Problemizations" [.ppt file]
Background to Derrida [.ppt file]
Derrida 1: Speech and Phenomena [.ppt file]
Derrida 2: Of Grammatology [.ppt file]
Derrida 3: Différence [.ppt file]
Derrida 4: Signature Event Context [.ppt file]
Credits [Fun] [.ppt file]
The Essential Husserl: I, III, IV, VI, XI.20, XI.21

Martin Heidegger: Basic Writings: I, II, III, VII

Sartre, Essays in Existentialism: III, (Intro., 3., Conclusion), II, I (second and third selections)

The Foucault Reader: What is Enlightenment?, Truth and Power, The Body of the Condemned, Right of Death & Power Over Life, On the Genealogy of Ethics ("From the Classical Self to the Modern Subject"), Politics and Ethics: An Interview, Polemics, Politics & Problemizations

A Derrida Reader Part One, Selections 1 through 4

First Paper Topic (2005) [PDF] [HTML]

Second Paper Topic (2005) [PDF] [HTML]


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry "Phenomenology"


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry

Professor David Bell's University of Sheffield Course Pack Notes on Husserl


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry

Professor Robert Cavalier, Carnegie Mellon University, Lecture Notes on Being and Time

Professor John Phillips, National University of Singapore, "Martin Heidegger."

Vladislav Suvák, University of Presov, Slovakia, "The Essence of Truth (aletheia) and the Western Tradition in the Thought of Heidegger and Patocka" [PDF]


Professor David Bell's University of Sheffield Course Pack on Existentialism

Professor Kenneth Klement, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Lecture Notes on Sartre


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry

Professor Ron Yezzi, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Foucault in a Nutshell

Professor Ron Yezzi, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Michel Foucault


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry

Professor Richard Rorty, Stanford University, Deconstructionist Theory, From The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, Volume 8

Last Updated: 3/9/05